Friday, January 24, 2014

"I Can Feel You" - Finding Hope in the Midst of the Storm

Last week I was praying for a dear one that I love who is struggling.  She's resilient and determined to not let the enemy keep her down.  But she's weary and battered - facing struggles and fighting battles that are too big for her.  And she's not the only one.

Many of my dear friends are in the midst of one of life's storms.  Broken, exhausted and scared, they are clinging to truth and searching for hope.  Praying for some shred of light or encouragement to keep putting one weary foot in front of the other.

I know what that feels like.  I've been there so many times.  Haven't we all?  Suffering is part of life.

So often it is in my desperation - when I have come to the end of myself and all my failings are abundantly clear - that I connect most intimately with my Savior.  

He rescues me. Saves me from the waves that engulf me and sets my feet on solid ground.  Comforts me.  Breathes life into me.  Encourages me to keep going when I want to quit.  Redirects me when I've wandered off course and points me back to truth.  Tells me he loves me.  Reminds me that he believes in me and has a purpose for my life - good things planned out for me to do that will advance his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.  

As I prayed for my friend the CD player in my car randomly selected I Can Feel You - a song off the Tides album by Bethel Music.  The song is sung by and co-written by Jenn Johnson.  For the first time I really listened to the lyrics.  It was as if they were written specifically for my friend.  I prayed the words of the lyrics over her in that moment and many times since.

If despair has sunk its talons deep into your spirit and hope seems impossible, don't give up.  The One who gave His life so you can live is just waiting for you to call out, "HELP!  Jesus, please help me."  And He always does. 

I pray you find rest and comfort in this beautiful song. (Click here to hear the song.)

I Can Feel You
by Jenn Johnson, Steffany Frizzell-Gretzinger, Ian McIntosh, Gabriel Wilson, Daniel MacKenzie, and Hunter Thompson

The wind and waves surround me
And I'm tossed,
Feel like I'm drowning.
I am tired, I am weak.
I need you here with me.

'Cause I can feel the rising tide
But I don't have the strength to fight.
I feel clouded and confused,
I need you here with me.

In the chaos of the storm,
I have drifted far, far away.
But I call out Your name
Cause You are just a breath, a breath away.

Then through the shadows Your light appears.
I've known You're with me, but now it is clear.
I can feel You, Jesus all around.

Like sun on my skin, warm to the touch,
Here you surround me, and I am held by love
I can feel You, Jesus all around.

Now hope is rushing through my veins
With everything You've rearranged.
I am peaceful, I am brave.
When You're here with me.

All my questions find their answers here.
When You come You change the atmosphere.
I am focused, I am clear.
When You're here with me.

There is nothing in this world
That will satisfy my soul like You do.

Though the storm it rages
I won't be moved. 
I won't be shaken
I am anchored in You.
I can feel You, Jesus all around.

Copyright 2013 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP)
/Jesus Culture Msuic (ASCAP)
All Rights Reserved.  Use by Permission.


  1. I almost cried the first time I heard this song. Thank you for directing me to it and thank you for being a prayer warrior. Love you sister!

    1. Love you too Sister. You inspire me in so many ways. XOXO
